Ribwort giugno 21, 2021Seif Mahmoud One man's joy is another man's sorrow. The Encyclopaedia Britannica says "Ribwort and hoary plantain (P. lanceolata and P. media,respectively) are troublesome weeds. " https://www.britannica.com/plant/ribwort We, on the other hand,...
Chives febbraio 26, 2021Seif Mahmoud Allium schoenoprasum Is one of the classic kitchen herbs, mainly used in egg dishes, salads and numerous dairy products. Chives contains numerous vitamins and secondary plant substances that have a...
Thyme febbraio 19, 2021Seif Mahmoud Thymus Vulgaris Thyme was already used as a medicinal plant 4,000 years ago. Old records show that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt were already embalmed with the aromatic thyme oil....
keeping herbs fresh febbraio 15, 2019Seif Mahmoud I am sure you are familiar with this problem too: The recipe calls for parsley (or another herb). Usually I buy a small bundle of parsley at the organic store...